git message format


  • Header (required)

  • Body (optional)

  • Footer (optional)

<type>(<scope>): <subject>

Header should contain type(required), scope(optional) and subject(required) in one line.

1. type

type is used to describe the type of a commit. Several commonly used types are provided for consideration:

- feat: new feature
- fix: fix bug
- refactor: modifications other than features or fixes
- release: release a new version
- style: format or beautify code without effects on main function
- chore: modifications of dependencies or build tools
- docs: write documentation(e.g.

2. scope

scope describes the scope of a commit, such as view layer, data layer, etc.

3. subject

subject is a brief description of a commit and it's suggested to be limited in 50 characters.

  • start with a verb

  • end without a period


Body contains more detailed explanatory text where contents could be wapped to multiple lines.

feat(font-end): click affix to back to homepage

- add affix component in all detail pages
- add css styles for user interface

Footer is an uncommon part. When some breaking changes are added to a commit, it's mainly used to append descriptions, reasons and methods of migration


Below is some commits from Lark/pc-client repository:

commit xxxxxx
Author: xxx <>
Date:   Tue Feb 21 18:47:17 2017 +0800

    relase: version 0.5.9

    Change-Id: xxxxxx

commit xxxxxx
Author: xxx <>
Date:   Mon Feb 20 22:12:18 2017 +0800

    feat: 一些细节优化

    1. 切换会话input focus
    2. 点击群会话聊天头像直接进入单人会话
    3. 群描述没有时不再显示“无说明”
    4. 欢迎界面修改

    Change-Id: xxxxxx

commit xxxxxx
Author: xxx <>
Date:   Mon Feb 20 13:21:58 2017 +0800

    fix: sessionid获取失败时 没有重连websocket

    Change-Id: xxxxxx

commit xxxxxx
Author: xxx <>
Date:   Tue Feb 28 11:07:25 2017 +0800

    style: 不在ui规范中的颜色不占用对应的变量名

    Change-Id: xxxxxx


Last updated